Me, JunHao, Joe (from Spain), Jeevan, Natasha (Jeevan's gf from Nus who's going to UC San Diego)
Inside the tram. Junhao, Joe and Me!
Closer view of Jeevan and Natasha. Natasha is a realli pretty lady. And she's like super tall lor. 1.8m... She's taking psychology at NUS.
These are the background for alot of scenes in movies. These architects are not made of bricks. I also dunno wad material they are made of. They look realli real from the picture but when u see it in real life u can tell that it is not a real street.
Cars used in fast and furious... I thought some ppl (such as kor and patrick) might like it so i took it.
This was the scene of a flood... It looked pretty real though...
And this was my favourite scene. Its the prop for War of the Worlds by Steven Steilburg (sorri if i spelt wrongly coz i realli cant be bothered). It looked so real and the details so intricate!!
Me, Frankein Stein and Natasha.
Special effects of fire from the movie BackDraft.
We sat a couple of rides and watched a couple of shows. This was taken in the animal show.. Those animals were super cute and well trained lor...
This little birdie flew to Natasha's hand and took her dollar bill from her hand and gave it to the trainer. Then, it flew back and dropped the dollar bill on Natasha's hand... CuuTttEeeE!
Look at us... Arent we kKkkkeeeeuuuuttTTT? We were waiting to go watch the terminator 3D show...
This is the entrance of the house of horror. There were people inside who will suddenly jump out and grab u to scare the hell out of u!
After Universal Studios, i met Edgar to watch Chuck and Larry at Universal Citywalk. It's a realli nice n funni movie =) Go watch it everyone! Then after movies, i decided to give Edgar a dinner treat to show my appreciation for his time and help. Its alway him who buy me meals n treat me to the movies... And on top of that, i was suppose to go to Magic mountains wif him todae but at the veri last min, Junhao and Jeevan asked me to go to Universal Studio with them so i "fly Edgar's aeroplane". Felt pretty bad bout it... We went to this nice Mexican restaurant. There were quite alot of ppl there but the overall experience was a good one. The lighting was dim and romantic; there was ppl singing on stage, and the food was good =)
After dinner, I needed to buy some groceries so Edgar brought me to the newly opened Ralphs supermarket near my apartment. It's so much bigger and nicer there than the supermarket in the University Village! Then when i got back, my room mate Joy asked mi to accompany her to Thai restaurant cum bar wif her thai frens (some of which i already know). And since the other Thais werent home, i decided to go wif her. Well it was realli fun there. Ly, V, Wendy were too. We had some beer and chilled alittle. There's s live band singing so i kinda liked the ambience there =)
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