Thursday, December 13, 2007

Life in LA...

Whao time sure flies. In a blink of the eye, im almost at the finishing lap of my race here in the US. Cant believe that i have been here for 4 months already. It felt just like yesterday that i was still all hyped up about this trip to the US. And now, im all excited to go back to my hometown; to my comfort zone - Singapore. I would say i have had the best moments, as well as some worst moments during my stay here in the US. But on the whole, it was a very enriching experience and im realli glad that i came here. Being here all alone really opened up my perspective taught me how to be a much more independent girl.

I gained alot of valuable insights to the american culture and how they view life. Very much different from how Singaporeans lead their lives. I guess the Singaporean lifestlye is way more competitive and hectic. Of course, another major difference is the food here. I love and hate american food. Love because im a burger lover and being here means burger all the way... Hate it because all the burgers have now transformed me into real life burger. I guess my friend's prediction of me transforming into a Big Mac when i return to Singapore has came true.

I have been very depressed over this fact of me gaining weight. As much as i tell myself not to think too much about it coz there is no point thinking of something I dun have control over now, i simply cant help it. I gained almost 8kg here... Yes... I hate to admit it but that is the fact and i have to learn to face it. I will give myself 3 months to go jogging at least 5 times a week, go to the gym for classes, go rollerblading with eugene, and eat realli healthly. I know i will be able to do it and this is a challenge i got to face. EVERYONE PLEASE SUPPORT ME OK!

Im trying to be as positive about it as possible so i need moral support. Weight issue has always been a big thing for me and now, i weigh the heaviest in my life. I know i will and i can get back to my original frame but that will take time. Dr Kashain has been helping me by tellin me what i should do and being my moral support. Thank you! Dr Kashain quoted: "There is no short cut; there is no easy way out. You have to do it the hard way." He also said, "The easier u achieve something, the easier it is to lose it too." So, i will heel his advice, be strong, realli set my mind to workout, and adopt a healthy lifestyle =)

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