I tried on a couple and finally settled wif the chamber maid costume as i think that it looks very flattering. The rest were either too boring or too skimpy and i dun wan to freeze to death at nite =) When i was about to pay for my costume which summed up to aout 67 USD, i realise i couldnt find my wallet and i totally freaked out! I asked Edgar to pay for me first while i called home to see if i had left it at home. So, Edgar had to go to another counter coz he had to pay wif card. And i dunno y but end up it only cost 37 dollars. So i went over and said "How come so cheap huh?" Edgar then gave me the "look" and the lady who was serving us gave us a wink. Hahaha sooo lucky rite? Anyway thank god i left my wallet at home if not i will be totally screwed.
After buying the costume, Edgar sent mi home so that i can get ready. Actually we wanted to go to Santa Monica or West Hollywood but we decided not coz there will be waaayy too much people and parking would be a hassle. So we settled wif the 740 club at downtown area.
In the car...
After parking the car. I took alot of photos wif random ppl whom i do not know. But well who cares rite. It' hallooween!! And these people had such cute costumes i cant help wanting to take photos wif them.
Naughty catwoman...
Me and Edgar outside the club. The queue was soooo long!!
Random ppl again... Haha i realise that there were quite alot of maid costumes. But mine's CHAMBER maid and some are french maid so... still different. And theres also another stark difference btw me and them.... They have overflowing boobies.... I dun! But its ok!!!
Look at the queue.... We had to wait so long. The worse part was that i needed to use the toilet urgently. I couldnt hold it no more so i went up and told the bouncer that i needed to use the restroom urgently and fortunately he allowed me to go in but i had to leave my ID wif him =)
While waiting in line, i decided to pose and take more photos =)
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