Saturday, November 24, 2007

Happy birthday Kookkik!!

Kookkik's birthday is the 25th Nov so her mother called auntie to ensure that her precious daughter had a birthday cake. Kookkik's mother realli dotes on her lot. Joy and I didnt follow the rest of them to Soho coz we were too tired from Black Friday Shopping. Hence, we decided to stay home to rest and recuperate. When the rest of them came back, auntie had the cake and food arranged nicely on the table =)
Uncle, Kookkik and Auntie.
Uncle, Kookkik, Auntie and Kashain. Ed was working so he wasnt present for the mini celebration.
Group Photo. I realli like this picture alot. Like a big happy family.
Kookkik with her cake.
After this, it was home sweet home... Im gonna miss New York... And..... =)

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