After eating my porriage, i went downstairs to collect a package which i received. The box was like damn huge but end up inside was only a small box containing the laptop cooler i ordered. Ha coz im always online and blogging so i didnt want my lappy to overheat.
Cool right? Hee i like it alot. Well that is all for saturday.
Sunday was much cooler =) I went to chinatown! Was suppose to go there alone but last min the sporean couple told me that the would be joining me so i had company! We took a bus there. Only 25 cents lor! Had to alight at Macy's and transfer to another bus (free transfer). The journey was probable 20 mins in total. Not too far =)
Waiting at the bus stop...
In the bus with Jacelyn =)
In chinatown! This is the building where i shopped for my claypot, water boiler, some snacks, and ribena!This is where i had my lunch. The food was ok but the portion was realli big. I had mixed beef soup, Eddie had fried rice an Jacelyn had Hor Fun. Gosh im so impressed coz they finished their food lor. As for me, i was super bloated when i was halfway thru le... Hee
Before eating...
After eating...
See the difference? Hee... Anyway this is the sporean couple, Eddie and Jacelyn.
Where i had my lunch...After shopping... Look at those bags!
And finally, these are the things i bought. It was really kewl coz i think i'd gotten wad i need le =) I managed to find CHILLI PADI. Hee actually i dunno wad im gonna eat it with but still... Seeing it makes me happy. I also bought old kailan, and i found oyster sauce and fish sauce. I also manage to buy olive veg to eat wif porriage =) But it was realli a ordeal to carry all these superbly heavy stuff back to my home. The walk back from the bus stop (bout 15mins) was terrible. I thought my hands were droppin out... Ha... But of course, i still managed to survive. Sometimes i dunno why im so strong... Hahahahah
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